Getting to know your data (and each other)
Mon, Jun 14

In this exercise we will work in breakout groups to collect the different kinds of data and attributes each person is collecting.

Part 1 - Getting to Know Each Other

Open up the “Data Commonalities Demo” Miro board and navigate to your breakout group area.

Each group member should take 3 minutes to introduce themselves and describe a project they are working on or a subject they are interested in. While they talk, other members should add sticky notes in their box noting any key words or concepts that might be collected for their data.

Using the notes from Part 1, start brainstorming ways to generalize types those specifics, and think about the properties those types might have.

For example, if one person is studying “paintings” and another person is studying “robots”, they both may deal with data about physical artifacts. Those artifacts may have dates or places where they were created, materials they were made out of, etc.

Take 5 minutes or so to put notes onto the board first, without worrying about organizing. Then take another 10 minutes to work with your group to cluster similar notes, and experiment with connecting them together.

Don’t worry about perfection! This is brainstorming to help us think through the rest of the week.